Frequently Asked Questions
What is Ozone?
Ozone (O3) is a molecule composed of three atoms of oxygen. The basic oxygen essential to life that we breathe is two atoms of oxygen. When oxygen runs over a UV lamp or is created by a corona discharge the oxygen molecules are split and a third oxygen atom is added to the molecule. This third atom seeks out organic molecules of other substances and detaches from the ozone molecule and re-attaches to Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) in the air that cause odor. Once attached the third atom inactivates the contaminates by rupturing the organisms’ cell wall. The third atom is then free to attach to another oxygen molecule. At this point the ozone is dissipated and all that remains is pure oxygen.
How does your ozone generator work?
Glacier Ozone uses a fan to blow oxygen over our special UV lamps. This creates ozone which is pumped into a contaminated area. The ozone destroys the Volatile Organic Compounds that cause odors.
Is ozone safe?
Ozone works so well at eliminating odors because of the harm it causes to organic compounds. For this reason no ozone generator should be used in an enclosed area in the presence of humans or pets. Ozone itself dissipates quickly in an open environment and once it does, the area will be left with nothing but safe, pure oxygen to breath.
Is ozone bad for the environment?
Despite numerous studies by the EPA and a campaign to discredit their proven effectiveness there is still no established link between the use of ozone generators and a depletion of the environment. Multiple hearings before the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) have actually proven the safety and effectiveness of ozone at moderate concentrations. Additionally, millions of ozone air purifiers have been sold in the United States over the years, but there are no specific cases where an ozone generator has been linked to any kind of harm or injury. In fact, on June 26, 2001 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) formally approved the use of ozone in gaseous (air) and aqueous (water) phases as an antimicrobial agent on food, including meat and poultry.
Where else can ozone be found?
Ozone forms naturally when sunlight reacts with man-made hydrocarbons in the air (automobile exhaust for example). The more hydrocarbons in the air, the more ozone is produced, however it’s the ozone that is actually breaking down those harmful pollutants. Wherever there is sunlight, air, water and wind you will find ozone; places like the beach, waterfalls and mountain forests all contain higher amounts of ozone.
Does Ozone really eliminate odors?
Yes. Smells in the air can only be measured against other smells in the air so the measurement of odor elimination is pretty much non-existent at this time. Our proof is in the science of ozone and the results our customers experience when they finally smell nothing where the air was once foul. Ozone generators have been used for years in the fields of car detailing, crime scene cleanup, fire and flood restoration for a reason; because they work.
How can I tell it is working?
There is no guessing. Ozone gives off a light “oxygenated” smell. Residual ozone becomes apparent to sensitive humans in the range of .01 - .03 ppm. or well below the permissible levels for continuous exposure. This should not be inhaled for long periods of time but is harmless in small amounts. Once the ozone dissipates fresh, clean oxygen is left behind.
How does ozone deter pests?
Ozone can kill cockroaches, fleas and other insects by damaging their respiratory systems. Mice, rats and other rodents are deterred by the irritation caused by the presence of ozone and will look for other places to make their homes. Bacteria and viruses, mold and mildew are also killed because they are organic matter.
How does ozone sanitize?
The third oxygen molecule in ozone seeks out organic material and destroys its cell walls. Pollutants are organic compounds that ozone seeks out and destroys on a molecular level.
What is the difference between UV and Corona
What is the difference between UV and Corona Discharge ozone generators?
UV Ozone generators such as Glacier pass air over an ultraviolet lamp to split the oxygen molecules in the gas to create the ozone. With Corona discharge dried, oxygen-containing gas passes through an electrical field. The electrical current causes the split in the oxygen molecules the same as UV. Since on average 90% of the electrical energy supplied to a corona discharge ozone generator produces heat, some method for heat removal is required. This is why most corona discharge systems utilize a cooling method of air or water to increase the energy efficiency of the ozone generator. UV systems do not require a separate cooling method.
For corona discharge systems the gas feeding the ozone generator must be very dry as the presence of moisture affects ozone production and leads to the formation of nitric acid. Nitric acid is very corrosive to critical internal parts of a corona discharge ozone generator This can cause premature failure and will significantly increase the frequency of maintenance. For this reason UV generators are recommended in mid to high humidity environments.
How long do I need to operate my ozone generator for best results?
The presence of ozone can be smelled immediately upon operation. The duration of operation depends on the intensity of pollutants in the air and the size of the area to be covered. Most smells will be gone within three hours and will stay away with regular continued use. Mold is generally killed in about 30 hours.
Why can’t I buy an ozone generator on your website?
Our ozone generators are for industrial use only so we have found it most useful to set you up with a local distributor who can install, maintain and calibrate the unit to your specific needs.
What are my power supply requirements?
All that is required is a typical 120 Volt receptacle. Each unit comes with a standard 8’ cord rated for outdoor use and does not require a dedicated circuit.
Does the ozone generator have to run continually?
No, essentially that’s up to you. We offer an optional, programmable, multifunction timer that plugs directly into the unit. This is programmed from the factory and no additional electrical is required.
How does it perform in harsh weather?
The ozone cover is rain resistant but not rain proof however because Glacier Ozone uses UV technology it does not require dry air like corona discharge. For this reason it can work better in humid environments. Of course as with any electrical appliance the more harsh the environment, the sooner the unit will eventually break down.
Can I use my ozone generator in cold temperatures?
Our ozone generators have been tested down to 20 degrees Fahrenheit with no deterioration of results.
How long will your ozone generator last?
With proper preventative maintenance found in the owner’s manual your Glacier Ozone Generator will last years. Our units are easy to service. They only require unplugging the unit from its power supply and removing the cover bolts. The filter should be cleaned whenever it starts to show dust pack or deterioration. The lamps have a functional life of 10,000 hours which is roughly a year and a half of continuous use.
Are replacement parts affordable?
Yes. There are very few wear parts on our ozone generators. These typically are limited to lamps, ballasts and the fan filter.
Why do I have to wear eye protection when the lamps are exposed?
Just like in a tanning bed, UV rays are powerful and can burn delicate eye tissue. Play it safe and always wear eye protection when the lamps are exposed.
Can I purchase your ozone generator if I live in California?
Yes. The California Air Resource Board (CARB) only regulates the personal use of Ozone generators. Glacier Ozone generators are intended for industrial use only and are therefore allowed in California without restrictions. Of course if used in any space where people or pets may pass through adequate ventilation must be present and the use of a timer or sensor is recommended. We do also have to make you aware that the lamps do contain mercury which according to Prop. 65 has been shown to cause cancer, birth defects and other reproductive harm by the State of California.
Anything else I should know?
Answer: Because ozone is powerful at destroying organic compounds it can cause premature deterioration of rubber hoses and other natural materials. We recommend Urethane hydraulic hoses and PVC Flex Tubing which are ozone resistant on nearby equipment.
How can I become a distributor?
You can find our distributor application here. Email completed application to kthompson@glacierozone.com or fax to: 253-288-8434. We’ll make sure there is no other distributor in your area and if approved send over our Exclusive Dealer Agreement and set up credit terms.